2 Peter

Are you living up to your responsibility?
Mar 27 -With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

3:87 – With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility #faithbites #faithjourney responsibility Yesterday I shared how we welcomed Mr. Spock into our family. Part of the deal was that the girls would be responsible for him. […] Read More

Jan 25 – Facts Are Important

3:25 – Facts Are Important #faithbites #faithjourney facts I love debating with people. I find it an intellectual activity that keeps my mind sharp. In high school, I did Lincoln-Douglas and parlimentary debate. It wasn’t […] Read More

God New It Would Come To This. It's Ok. He has a plan.
Dec 24 – God’s Plan Revealed: Jesus

2:358 – God’s Plan Revealed: Jesus #faithbites #faithjourney revealed Merry Christmas Eve. They say God works in mysterious ways. I had a friend post something about God’s plan and not knowing what it brings. Heck, […] Read More

God is seeing how and when you will trust him as you're waiting
Dec 16 – Wait Just A Little While Longer

2:350 – Wait Just A Little While Longer #faithbites #faithjourney wait Today, we got a great offer to redo our siding. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough cash stocked up to do it. We looked at […] Read More

May 19 – Is This What The Author Intended?

2:139 – Is This What The Author Intended? #faithbites #faithjourney author #GoT Tonight wraps 8 seasons of Game of Thrones. There has been twists, turns, blood, gore, treachery, faith, demons, resurrections, loyalty, and lots of […] Read More

April 4 – Life, The Universe, And Everything

2:94 – Life, The Universe, And Everything #faithbites #faithjourney universe Today I turned 42 years old. And for my sci-fi nerd friends, you know that’s the answer to life, th universe, and everything. I’m still […] Read More

December 31 – I resolve to… Grow and Live My Faith Always

365 – I resolve to… Grow and Live My Faith Always #faithbites #faithjourney grow Forward Before we get started, you may be wondering why no celebration for 1 year of #faithbites and for my completing […] Read More