God New It Would Come To This. It's Ok. He has a plan.
Dec 24 – God’s Plan Revealed: Jesus
2:358 – God’s Plan Revealed: Jesus

#faithbites #faithjourney revealed

Merry Christmas Eve. They say God works in mysterious ways. I had a friend post something about God’s plan and not knowing what it brings. Heck, I’ve often said, I don’t know what it is. Then tonight, during our Christmas Eve service, I saw that he had revealed his plan. It is Jesus. God made a plan, told us about his plan, and then delivered on it.

The reason there is so much pain, agony, fear, and hatred, is we don’t follow it. We follow ourselves and sin. But it is never, no matter who you are or what you’ve done, too late for redemption.

Jesus In Every Book – Old Testament
  • Genesis: The Seed of The Woman
  • Exodus: The Passover Lamb
  • Leviticus: The High Priest
  • Numbers: The Cloud and The Fire
  • Deuteronomy: The Prophet Like Moses
  • Joshua: The Captain of Our Salvation
  • Judges: The Judge And Lawgiver
  • Ruth: The Kinsman Redeemer
  • 1 & 2 Samuel: The Prophet of The Lord
  • 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles: The Reigning King
  • Ezra: The Faithful Scribe
  • Nehemiah: The Rebuilder of The Broken Down Walls
  • Esther: Mordecai
  • Job: The Dayspring From on High
  • Psalms: The Lord Who Is Our Shepherd
  • Proverbs & Ecclesiastes: Wisdom
  • The Song of Solomon: The Lover & Bridegroom
  • Isaiah: The Prince of Peace
  • Jeremiah & Lamentations: The Weeping Prophet
  • Ezekiel: The Wheel Turning
  • Daniel: The 4th Man in The Fiery Furnace
  • Hosea: The Bridegroom Married to The Backslidden Woman
  • Joel: Baptized With The Holy Spirit And Fire
  • Amos: The Burden Bearer
  • Obadiah: The Mighty Savior
  • Jonah: The Forgiving God
  • Micah: The Messenger With Beautiful Feet
  • Nahum: The Avenger of God’s Elect
  • Habakkuk: The Great Evangelist, Crying For Revival
  • Zephaniah: The Restorer of God’s Lost Heritage
  • Haggai: The Cleansing Fountain
  • Zechariah: The Merciful Father
  • Malachi: The Son of Righteousness, Rising with Healing in His Wings
Jesus In Every Book – New Testament
  • Matthew: The Messiah
  • Mark: The Wonder Worker
  • Luke: The Son of Man
  • John: The Son of God
  • Acts: The Ascended Lord
  • Romans: The Justifier
  • 1 & 2 Corinthians: The Gifts of The Spirit
  • Galatians: The One Who Sets Us Free
  • Ephesians: The Christ of Riches
  • Philippians: The God Who Meets Our Every Need
  • Colossians: The Fullness of The Godhead
  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians: The Soon Coming King
  • 1 & 2 Timothy: The Mediator Between God And Man
  • Titus: The Faithful Pastor
  • Philemon: The Friend That Sticks Closer Than a Brother
  • Hebrews: The Blood That Washes Away My Sins
  • James: The Great Physician
  • 1 & 2 Peter: The Chief Shepherd
  • 1 & 2 & 3 John: Everlasting Love
  • Jude: The Lord Who Came Down with 10,000 Saints
  • Revelation: The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords!
  • For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11
  • Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, – Act 3:19

God’s plan is simple. Love Him, Love Each Other. We make it hard. Sometimes, we feel that some people are beyond redemption. We cloud our vision by looking at the world with human eyes rather than through God’s revealed plan. There are no hoops or magic acts to go through to be redeemed. Jesus wasn’t something that was made up just to convince us of God.

If we believe in God, then we believe his word is true. If his word is true, then Jesus was there in the beginning and present all through scripture. Jesus is God’s plan. There was no plan B after man messed up. God knew we would when he gave us free will, but he did it anyway. Then he knew he would send Jesus to atone for our sins. He did.

Now it is our turn. Do we live in his revealed plan or do we cover our eyes and give in to hate and temptation. For me, on this holiest of nights, I see a God made flesh in the form of a baby to save us all. I see his plan and coming true.


As we celebrate Christmas, know that God wants the best for you. His plan has been revealed. We just need to listen and ask for guidance (prayer) then take what he tells us and act. Find one person or one thing where you can see that GOd’s plan is true and share it.


Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son, Jesus, to us this night over 2000 years ago. You revealed your plan, but we still don’t see it. Give us your eyes to see that you have been truthful in your plan and acted upon it as promised. Help us to grow so that we can see that everyone, no matter what they’ve done, can be redeemed through Christ. We love you and honor you and thank you for this magnificent gift. In your name, Amen.

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