Month: May 2019

God Made Us Perfect
May 31 – I’m Beautiful In My Way, ‘Cause God Makes No Mistakes

2:151 – I’m Beautiful In My Way, ‘Cause God Makes No Mistakes #faithbites #faithjourney beautiful I am a beautiful human being. I say that not because of my looks or my works, because God mad […] Read More

May 30 – Simple Faith Reminders

2:150 – Simple Faith Reminders #faithbites #faithjourney reminders Some days are easy, some days are harder. Some days we rely more on God than others. Still there are some days when we need those reminders […] Read More

May 29 – Daddy, I Don’t Know How To Pray

2:149 – Daddy, I Don’t Know How To Pray #faithbites #faithjourney pray Part of our bedtime routines is that we read a story as a family, then we pray together before going to bed. Everyone […] Read More

May 28 – God Is Speaking, Are You Listening?

2:148 – God Is Speaking, Are You Listening? #faithbites #faithjourney speaking I was meeting with one of our Pastors, and he asked me what the senior pastor could do for me and for the church. […] Read More

May 27 – Even When You Crawl, You Make Progress

2:147 – Even When Crawl, You Make Progress #faithbites #faithjourney crawl Even though this is a three day weekend, it hasn’t been restful. Sure, I’ve had fun, but right now, I’m exhausted. We’ve cleaned the […] Read More

May 26 – The Easy Way

2:146 – The Easy Way #faithbites #faithjourney easy Yesterday, I was enjoying the weather with my niece and my girls. We walked to the park. I thought it wasn’t that far of a walk but […] Read More

May 25 – Take A Moment To Enjoy

2:145 – Take A Moment To Enjoy #faithbites #faithjourney enjoy I’m sitting on a park bench, listening to kids playing at the park. There is a moderate breeze, it’s partly cloudy, and warm. The kids […] Read More