7/18 – Does #Faithbites Matter?

5:199 – Does #Faithbites Matter

#faithbites #faithjourney

The last #faithbites I wrote was 32 days ago. Until today, and it was indirect to me, not one person noticed or said anything about #faithbites not coming out. Daily, for over four and a half years, with very few exceptions, I shared what I was thinking and how God was moving in my life. I stopped at first for a day, then two, then just let it go. When I didn’t hear anything, I felt that it wasn’t having the impact that I thought it was. Maybe it’s true, maybe it isn’t.

Does that mean God isn’t working in my life? Absolutely, not.

Does that mean I won’t write and share his word? Absolutely, not.

It means that for now, I’ll listen to him and how he wants me to share. It may not be every day or every week. It may not even be in this format, but we are to share his message and his word.

Thanks for listening.

2 Timothy 4:2

preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.

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