2 Peter

Many paths
February 25 – Different Paths, One Destination

4:56 – Different Paths, One Destination #faithbites #faithjourney paths Setting During my morning shower, I was reflecting on the different degrees I have earned: Bachelor of Science, Masters of Arts, and now Doctor of Education. […] Read More

active in your faith
Dec 29 – I Can’t Do It For You

3:364 – I can’t Do It For You #faithbites #faithjourney can’t Setting For almost three years, I have been sharing scripture daily with you. Along with the scripture have been my #faithjourney, my reflections, my […] Read More

false prophets
Nov 23 – False Prophets

3:328 – False Prophets #faithbites #faithjourney false God is perfect. Jesus is perfect. Faith is beautiful. Religion is complicated. When I was younger, I thought Judaism was easy because you were orthodox, conservative, or reform. […] Read More

Sep 20 – God On The Lips, Hate In The Heart

3:264 – God On The Lips, Hate In The Heart #faithbites #faithjourney lips Setting The word of God is powerful. It strengthens, empowers, and keeps us. His word promises salvation. There are those who use […] Read More

God's Eyes
Sep 10 – Seeing It Through Other’s Eyes

3:254 – Seeing It Through Other’s Eyes #faithbites #faithjourney eyes Setting Lately, I’ve been seeing so much anger and hate from people. I’ve also seen people trying to be right at all costs. It has […] Read More

Practice Makes Perfect
July 29 – You’ve Got To Start Somewhere

3:211 – You’ve Got To Start Somewhere #faithbites #faithjourney start Setting I did a thing and got a 3D printer. I’ve been #gazelling for a while and saving my money. So I did it. Let […] Read More

June 15 – When You Assume

3:167 – When You Assume #faithbites #faithjourney assume The old saying goes, when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. They also say actions speak louder than words. Lately, I have […] Read More