Month: August 2021

Looking at our Whole Self
August 10 – Look At Your Whole Body of Work

4:222 – Look At Your Whole Body of Work #faithbites #faithjourney whole Setting 1,317. That is how many #faithbites I have written. 1,317 that is a lot of days and goes back to January 1, […] Read More

Surviving is OK!
August 9 – “Just” Surviving Is Ok!

4:222 – “Just” Surviving Is Ok! #faithbites #faithjourney surviving Setting A friend of mine posted this picture today and it spoke to me louder than my kids fighting. Our world pushes us to do more […] Read More

We don't need to be perfect to love and share God
August 8 -Perfection Isn’t Required

4:220 – Perfection Isn’t Required #faithbites #faithjourney perfection Setting Yesterday was a bad 3D print day. Almost everything I printed failed. I was down on myself because I wasn’t getting it right. I even tried […] Read More

Aug 7 – I Am Not My Failures Or Shortcomings

4:219 – I Am Not My Failures Or Shortcomings #faithbites #faithjourney failures Setting im sitting on my couch in pain. I did too much today and think about all the things I haven’t yet done. […] Read More

August 6 – Let Your Freak Flag Fly!

4:218 – Let Your Freak Flag Fly! #faithbites #faithjourney freak Setting Today’s #faithbites come from my best friend who posted this image. I often wonder how my behavior is seen by others. I’ve spent a […] Read More

August 5 – Not By Might, by Spirit

4:217 – Not By Might, By Spirit #faithbites #faithjourney might Setting just a short #faithbites today. The verse of today has inspired me. Just as Jesus was not the Messiah the Jewish people were expecting, […] Read More

Sometimes we need a remix
August 4 – Faithbites – Dance Party Remix

4:216 – Faithbites – Dance Party Remix #faithbites #faithjourney remix Setting I was having a meeting with my boss today and we talked about the stresses in our lives. I said how I need to […] Read More