
May 28 – Embrace It: Stop Fighting

4:148 – Embrace It: Stop Fighting #faithbites #faithjourney embrace Setting Yesterday we talked about tears and how that is a way to express emotion but sometimes we fight it. Last night when I couldn’t sleep, […] Read More

Let the tears flow
May 27 – Tears Are A Gift

4:147 – Tears Are A Gift #faithbites #faithjourney tears Settings Real men don’t cry. Suck it up. It’s not that bad. These are things that are said when people cry. I have been sad but […] Read More

God is Greater Than Our Ups and Downs
April 23 – God Is Greater Than Our Ups and Downs

4:113 – God is Greater Than Our Ups and Downs #faithbites #faithjourney Greater Setting Last night I was able to spend part of the evening with our senior pastor and his wife. It was a […] Read More

April 15 – Because of Jesus, I Am Worthy

4:105 – Because of Jesus, I Am Worthy #faithbites #faithjourney worthy Setting I often wonder what I’m supposed to be when I grow up bouncing from thing to thing and even then don’t think I’m […] Read More

Be a Good Human. Disagree without being Disagreeable
April 8 – Be A Good Human, Redux

4:98 – Be A Good Human, Redux #faithbites #faithjourney human Setting I often write about being a good human. This is a skill we should all have. I see comments tearing down people when someone […] Read More

April 5 – Washed Clean By Him

4:95 – Washed Clean By Him Easter has come and gone. We were blessed with a beautiful day to celebrate Jesus and my birthday. We also took a lot of pictures of the day. They […] Read More

Under The Weather
March 11 – Feeling Under The Weather

4:70 – Feeling Under The Weather #faithbites #faithjourney weather Setting Today is one of those days that my father would say, “My get up and go has got up and left”. I’m exhausted, tired, and […] Read More