May 28 – Embrace It: Stop Fighting
4:148 – Embrace It: Stop Fighting

#faithbites #faithjourney embrace


Yesterday we talked about tears and how that is a way to express emotion but sometimes we fight it. Last night when I couldn’t sleep, I watched an episode of Star Trek Voyager. This episode, The Fight, was about an alien species trying to communicate with Chakotay. They didn’t communicate with words but through exploiting genetic errors. Chakotay was predisposed to an issue that could cause insanity but he was treated for it. Throughput the episode all he had to do was embrace this and he’d have the answers to save the ship. But it was against everything he knew. For him, fighting this disease would save him from a date his grandfather had. But in fact, the disease was the cure.

Today’s Questions: What else are we fighting against because we are scared? What if we truly trusted God and let it go. What if chose to embrace that which scared us?

  • Isaiah 43:1 – “Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.”
  • 1 John 4:18 – “Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
  • 2 Chronicles 20:15 Do not fear nor be discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.

We know God lov and has our back. We also know that he will deliver us from all evil. The 2 Chronicles verse struck with me. We have this image of an army attacking and we are afraid. Here is the thing, no matter how scary the obstacle is or how big the opposing force is, not only does God have it, he says it’s not out fight.

All evil, all wrong, all great is God’s fight not ours. If we instead embrace the love, grace, and mercy that God has, those fears start to dwindle.

As we close, remember to embrace that what scares you. We don’t need to be scared of what will happen or fight against something happening as God’s got it!


Lord Jesus, help us with our fears. We are often faced with decisions that scare us. We fight with everything we have to stop soemthing from happening when that thing may be what saves us. Let us trust you and remember you will always protect us. In your glorious name, we pray, Amen.

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