
5/28 – Beware of conspiracy theories

5:148 – Beware of conspiracy theories #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite conspiracy Intro We’ve talked about weaponizing the faith, God, and religion before. We’ve talked about reading the whole story before. As we dive into God’s word, […] Read More

5/26 – Change of plans

5:146 – Change of plans #faithbites #faithjourney plans Intro My plan today was to take the kids to school, then go to my doctor, then to work. I made it to the doctor before extreme […] Read More

Go Away
5/22 – Go Away

5:142 – Go Away #faithbites #faithjourney away Intro In my head, I’m shouting, “Go away.” My voice is saying, “Not right now” or “No thank you” or “maybe in a while.” Right now, I’m exhausted. […] Read More

Looking for answers
5/21 – Are you looking in the right place?

5:141 – Are you looking in the right place? #faithbites #faithjourney looking Intro Have you ever lost something? I know we all have. If it’s our keys or phone or you just misplaced something. Then […] Read More

5/20 – Endurance and Unity

5:140 – Endurance and unity #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite endurance Intro When we feel exhausted we often turn to God for endurance and strength. Today’s verse shows us that he who gives us that endurance wants […] Read More

What's Next? New Goals
5/17 – What’s Next?

5:137 – What’s Next? #faithbites #faithjourney next Intro I started at the Carle Illinois College of Medicine five years ago and made two goals. The first was to see the first Match Day and the […] Read More

Faith is a single step
5/16 – Faith is a single step

5:136 – Faith is a single step #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite single Intro During commencement, our keynote speaker shared a quote by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr that touched me and made me think. Dr. King […] Read More