
Holy Saturday is a time for reflection
4/16 – Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday

5:106 – Between Good Friday and Easter Sunday #faithbites #faithjourney between Intro What do you think life was like for the disciples and others between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? We know Jesus rose from […] Read More

rules apply to everyone
4/12 – Yes, the rules apply to you too

5:102 – Yes, the rules apply to you too #faithbites #faithjourney rules Intro I’m a big fan of Star Trek, I thank my dad for that. In Star Trek, there is a test that all […] Read More

many rooms
4/11 – Many rooms. Go where you are loved

5:101 – Many rooms. Go where you are loved. #faithbites #faithjourney rooms Intro Be it our jobs, our relationships, our churches, or any other association we have, there are times when we don’t feel supported, […] Read More

4/10 – The human side of church

5:100 – The human side of church #faithbites #faithjourney human Intro I love God and have a strong and evolving faith. This post may rub some people the wrong way and I apologize. The other […] Read More

Lift others up
4/8 – Use your voice to lift others up

5:98 – Use your voice to Lift others up #faithbites #faithjourney lift Intro Some things get under my craw. When people don’t help others out, especially when it is at no cost to them, it […] Read More

Pain leads to recovery
4/6 – From pain comes recovery and peace

5:96 – From pain comes recovery and peace #faithbites #faithjourney recovery Intro Many of you have been flowing my #painjourney for nearly three years. Today, I started another round of physical therapy. It was just […] Read More

4/3 – You are restored!

5:93 – You are restored #faithbites #faithjourney restored Intro Today’s church service focused on restoration and being restored. We talk about restoring cars, houses, businesses, downtowns, but do we talk about restoring ourselves? When I […] Read More