
Verse or message.
5/13 – Is it the verse or the message?

5:133 – Is it the verse of the message? #faithbites #faithjourney verse Intro Did you know there are over 118 different English Language Bible Translations? 118! That doesn’t include international translations or partial translations. That […] Read More

4/20 – Writing is powerful

5 :110 – Writing is powerful #faithbites #faithjourney writing Intro Over the past several months, my eldest and her friend, wrote a book together in our schools Young Author’s programs. They worked hard, shared ideas, […] Read More

4/17 – He is (not was) Risen

5:107 – He is (not was) risen #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite was Intro Happy Easter. I pray that the forgiveness and love of Christ dwells in you richly. Just a short #faithbites for today. Have you […] Read More

4/3 – You are restored!

5:93 – You are restored #faithbites #faithjourney restored Intro Today’s church service focused on restoration and being restored. We talk about restoring cars, houses, businesses, downtowns, but do we talk about restoring ourselves? When I […] Read More

Different Arrangement, Same Message
2/7 – Different Arrangement, Same Message

5:38 – Different Arrangement, Same Message #faithbites #faithjourney arrangement Intro I love music. Some songs really hit home and others don’t. Lately, I’ve been listening to a cover of Snoop Dogg’s Gin and Juice by […] Read More

January 1 – Goals Not Resolutions

5:1 – Goals Not Resolutions #faithbites #faithjourney goals Intro Happy New Year. Welcome to 2022 and welcome to the fifth year of #faithbites. I can’t believe we are approaching 1,500 #faithbites. I appreciate everyone who […] Read More

December 1 – Congrats! You Did It!

4:335 – Congrats! You Did It! #faithbites #faithjourney congrats Setting Today, as I was scrolling through Facebook, I saw a friend had completed a major milestone. Instead of just commenting on his post, I picked […] Read More