Old Testament

December 28 – Wandering The Fields

363: Wandering The Fields #faithbites #faithjourney wandering Setting In the Bible, God goes by many different titles : father, creator, savior, king of kings, Lord of Lord’s, and Shepard. While those are just a few […] Read More

Keep Fighting
December 28 – Keep On Fighting The Good Fight

December 28 – Keep On Fighting The Good Fight. Never give up. But when you fight, fight with God on your side. #faithbites #faithjourney

Keep Working
December 26 – Just Keep Working At It

4:360 – Just Keep Working At It #faithbites #faithjourney working Setting Some days, we just feel like everything is going wrong. We are mad at the world and mad at ourselves for how we react […] Read More

December 25 – New Birth, New Life

4:359 – New Birth, New Life #faithbites #faithjourney birth Setting Merry Christmas, everyone. What an amazing day. I pray you all have had a wonderful and blessed day. Today, my new nephew was born. Mom, […] Read More

Blue Christmas is hard.
December 24 – Blue Christmas

4:359 – Blue Christmas #faithbites #faithjourney blue Setting For many in the world, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. The decorations, food, presents, food, family, food, and of course celebrating the birth […] Read More

Don't Worry About Your Next Mission
December 22 – Where Will Your Next Mission Take You?

4:356 – Where Will Your Next Mission Take You? #faithbites #faithjourney mission Setting As 2021 is winding down, we think about the holiday season and what the future will bring. Sometimes we have a great […] Read More

December 20 – Made Right By Faith

4:354 – Made Right By Faith #faithbites #faithjourney made Setting This picture was shared by a friend who just suffered a devastating loss. While she may be shaken her faith never waivers. I shared a […] Read More