
Would You Pass The Interview?
July 15 – How Would You Answer These Interview Questions?

4:196 – How Would You Answer These Interview Questions? #faithbutea #faithjourneu interview Setting I was standing in the shower this morning and started thinking how much of a mess I am. My back is killing […] Read More

No Anger. No Enemies
July 13 – A World Without Anger and Judgement

4:194 – A World Without Anger and Judgement #faithbites #faithjourney anger Setting I was pursuing Facebook, as I usually do, and saw so many posts putting down one way of life, calling someone names, fighting […] Read More

Were you oriented or onboard to our faith?
July 8 – Onboarding In The Faith

4:189 – Onboarding In The Faith #faithbites #faithjourney onboarding Setting They say to write what you know about, so here goes. One of my jobs as faculty development is to help onboard people to our […] Read More

Is God Growing or Testing You?
June 27 – Why is God Testing Me?

4:178 – Why is God Testing Me? #faithbites #faithjourney Setting Have you ever said, “Why is God testing me?” Have you thought that enough is enough and you are ready for a lull or a […] Read More

May 31 – I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean

4:151 – I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean #faithbites #faithjourney small Setting It’s a little before 6 am on Memorial Day. I’m in my pajamas, sitting on the beach, […] Read More

May 30 – Go To Church Or the Devil will Get You!

4:150 – Go To church Or The Devil with Get You? #faithbites #faithjourney devil Setting We were driving down I-65 throw Alabama and I saw the sign in the picture. It was very catchy and […] Read More

You Got This!
May 23 – I’ve Got This! (With Help)

4:143 – I’ve Got This! (With Help) #faithbites #faithjourney got Setting The world tells us to pick ourselves up by our bootstraps or if you work hard even you can do anything. That is the […] Read More