
Apologizing - Strength or weakness
5/27 – Is Apologizing a strength or a weakness?

5:147 – Is Apologizing a strength or a weakness? #faithbites #faithjourney apologizing Intro I was watching a show the other day that had one character telling another to never apologize. The character said that apologizing […] Read More

From thoughts and prayers to action
5/25 – Thoughts and Prayers need action

5:145 – Thoughts and Prayers need action #faithbites #faithjourney action Intro Yesterday, another tragedy hit our country. 18 children. This is a horrific event. The most common response is people sending “thoughts and prayers”. When […] Read More

5/23 – How does your awareness impact your life?

5:143 – How does your awareness impact your life? #faithbites #faithjourney awareness Intro My kids often laugh at me when they mention some fad, entertainer, or word that I don’t know. The latest was the […] Read More

Looking for answers
5/21 – Are you looking in the right place?

5:141 – Are you looking in the right place? #faithbites #faithjourney looking Intro Have you ever lost something? I know we all have. If it’s our keys or phone or you just misplaced something. Then […] Read More

5/15 – A doctor cares, heals, and makes change

5:135 – A doctor cares, heals, and makes change #faithbites #faithjourney #CarleIllinois doctor Intro Today was the first commencement for the Carle Illinois College of Medicine. What started as a dream over 8 years ago, […] Read More

Signs signs everywhere signs
5/12 – The Signs are everywhere

5:132 – The Signs are everywhere #faithbites #faithjourney signs Intro If you ask my older brother, he will tell you that when I was younger, I wasn’t a big music fan. I just didn’t get […] Read More

Tomorrow is crazy
5/11 – What if tomorrow sucks?

5:131 – What if tomorrow sucks? #faithbites #faithjourney tomorrow. Intro What if tomorrow is terrible? Maybe it will rain on your wedding day (thanks Alanis) or it will be 120 degrees for your picnic. What […] Read More