
May his memory be a blessing
3/28 – His memory is a blessing

5:87 -HIs memory is a blessing #faithbites #faithjourney blessing Intro 13 years. 4,748 days. that is how long it’s been since I lost my dad. So long ago but still so fresh. My dad was far […] Read More

3/26 – Make space for what’s important

5:85 – Make space for what’s important #faithbites #faithjourney space Intro Today was a day when I could have slept in. No wife, no kids, nothing on the agenda. But the dog had other plans. […] Read More

3/25 – Spread Peace and Joy

5:84 – Spread Peace and Joy #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite spread Intro Usually I’m a man of many words. Tonight, I’m tired and thankful for all I have. Remember that we gain nothing by being hurtful. […] Read More

3/24 – Respite

5:83 – Respite #faithbites #faithjourney #faithbiteslite respite Intro For the first time in a long time, I’m alone. My fmsily is visiting great grandma and I had to work. At first, I felt guilty for […] Read More

Who is the person you are trying to be come?
3/23 – Trying to the be person God wants me to be

5:82 – Trying to be the person God wants me to be #faithbites #faithjourney person Intro When you look in the mirror what do you see? Does your reflection reflect the person you want to […] Read More

Ask and take advice.
3/22 – Don’t ask for advice if you don’t want the truth

5:81 – Don’t ask for advice if you want the truth #faithbites #faithjourney advice Intro Have you ever been asked for feedback and when you give it, someone doesn’t want to take it? Maybe it […] Read More

3/19 – A hard truth from a trusted friend.

5:78 – A hard truth from a trusted friend. #faithbites #faithjourney hard Intro Tonight for family movie night, we watched the remake of Cheaper By The Dozen. It was modernized, cute, and really had a […] Read More