Month: June 2020

June 17 – When Being Right Is Wrong

3:167 – When Being Right Is Wrong #faithbites #faithjourney wrong I like to be right. When someone tries to challenge me, I’ll pull out all the stops to prove I’m right. It is hard to […] Read More

June 16 – Life Isn’t A Zero Sum Game

3:168 – Life Isn’t A Zero Sum Game #faithbites #faithjourney zero I love pie. It is delicious. And if you don’t like pie, think of pizza. We have a wonderful apple pie and we cut […] Read More

June 15 – When You Assume

3:167 – When You Assume #faithbites #faithjourney assume The old saying goes, when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. They also say actions speak louder than words. Lately, I have […] Read More

Are You In Your Corner?
June 14 – Come Out Of Your Corners

3:166 – Come Out Of Your Corners #faithbites #faithjourney corners Setting I know life experiences color how you see things. When I was younger,I believed there were many more people I’m the center. Folks could […] Read More

June 13 – Wait For The Lord

3:165 – Wait for the Lord #faithbites #faithjourney wait I’m not feeling very inspired today. Lots on my heart and I feel that I can’t do anything right now to change it. I’m frustrated but […] Read More

June 12 – Good Puppy, Bad Leadership

3:164 – Good Puppy, Bad Leadership #faithbites #faithjourneh leadership Setting Are you familiar with the kids show, Paw Patrol? It’s about talking pups, each with a special ability, who live together and work for a […] Read More

Did You Know?
June 11 – Are You In The Know?

3:163 – Are You In The Know? #faithbites #faithjourney know Setting Call me a control freak, but I like to know what’s going on. I was told that I interject and intervene too much because […] Read More