Month: June 2020

Is Jesus Carrying You?
June 10 – Here When You Need Him (Which is Always)

  3:162 – Here When You Need Him (Which is Always) #faithbites #faithjourney need Setting Do you feel needed and wanted? This could be at work, home, where you play, where you worship, or anywhere. […] Read More

June 9 – It’s Ok To Not Know

3:161 – It’s Ok To Not Know #faithbites #faithjourney not When we are young, many ask us what we want to be when we grow up. Some know right away, others don’t, and still others […] Read More

June 8 – Understanding Symbols

3:160 – Understanding Symbols #faithbites #faithjourney symbols Yesterday we talked about how people see things differently. Today, we will talk about symbols. Our society is filled with symbols for political parties, countries, religions, and groups. […] Read More

June 7 – How Do You See It?

3:159 – How Do You See It? #faithbites #faithjourney see Setting I was in my kitchen making lunch when I looked out of my deck and freaked out. On my patio below, my pool was […] Read More

June 6 – Will Something Just Work Right?

3:158 – Will Something Just Work Right? #faithbites #faithjourney right Setting Ever have those days when nothing works right? The dog isn’t sleeping. Your computer crashed. The kitchen drawer breaks. The garbage rips. You have […] Read More

June 5 – Showing Respect

3:157 – Showing Respect #faithbites #faithjourney respect What does it mean to respect someone or something? How do you show respect? Today, I was in a debate about protesting by kneeling during the national anthem. […] Read More

June 4 – Learning Is Key

3:156 – Learning Is Key #faithbites #faithjourney learning Setting We are learn in different ways. Some by doing, some by seeing, some by reading, and some in a combination of modes. Today, I led a […] Read More