Month: June 2020

Asking for help is strength
June 3 – Accepting A Helping Hand

3:155: Accepting A Helping Hand #faithbites #faithjourney hand I am blessed that my best friend is being a nanny for the girls. It’s been a long 10 weeks and getting extra help is amazing. At […] Read More

life guard.
June 2 – Lifeguard or Life Guard?

3:154 – Lifeguard or Life Guard #faithbites #faithjourney guard Setting My first job was as a lifeguard. I love that job. I felt responsible for those swimmers in my pool. When I jumped in and […] Read More

No words
June 1 – No Words

3:153 – No Words #faithbites #faithjourney words I have no words today. Between COVID-19, race riots, politics, and everything going on, I am empty. I have taken a break from social media as it’s been […] Read More