June 13 – Wait For The Lord
3:165 – Wait for the Lord

#faithbites #faithjourney wait

I’m not feeling very inspired today. Lots on my heart and I feel that I can’t do anything right now to change it. I’m frustrated but excited. Happy but not content. Just blah. I know I should be happy with my daughters birthday party today and how blessed I am, bit I’m just meh. So today, I put it in God’s hands and just googled verse of the day. I figured, God would point me where to go. And he did for sure!

  • Psalm 27:14 – Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord

So, I guess God was right as always. I just need to wait! I can’t fix it without God. And right now, he’s telling me I don’t need to do anything. The arguments and fights will still be there tomorrow. Today is for rest and to love.

It’s not easy to wait patiently. Heck, even God knew that by saying it twice in one verse. The answers will come. God will provide. We just need to breathe and let God plan the timing.


Breathe. Then when you think you need to act, breathe. Let God do it. He will tell you when and how to act.


Lord, give us your love and patience. Help us to enjoy everything you have provided us and just wait. We want to do everything right now, but you answer in your time through you will and in your way. Let us be patient. In your name, Amen.

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