
Customer Service is Important
January 8 – Customer Service Matters

5:8 – Customer Service Matters #faithbites #faithjourney customer Intro Fair warning, this #faithbites might be a little snarkier than normal as I’m ticked off. One of my pet peeves is when I don’t receive good […] Read More

January 6 – Recognize Authority

5:6 – Recognize Authority #faithbites #faithjourney recognize Intro Yesterday we talked about following God’s laws and following God. Today, we are going a bit deeper to talk about authority. Just as we don’t like laws […] Read More

January 5 – Without A Leader, We Run Rogue

5:5 – Without A Leader, We Run Rogue #faithbites #faithjourney leader Introduction Most of us don’t want someone to tell us what to do. I can relate. Bering free to do whatever you can can […] Read More

January 1 – Goals Not Resolutions

5:1 – Goals Not Resolutions #faithbites #faithjourney goals Intro Happy New Year. Welcome to 2022 and welcome to the fifth year of #faithbites. I can’t believe we are approaching 1,500 #faithbites. I appreciate everyone who […] Read More

December 28 – Wandering The Fields

363: Wandering The Fields #faithbites #faithjourney wandering Setting In the Bible, God goes by many different titles : father, creator, savior, king of kings, Lord of Lord’s, and Shepard. While those are just a few […] Read More

Keep Fighting
December 28 – Keep On Fighting The Good Fight

December 28 – Keep On Fighting The Good Fight. Never give up. But when you fight, fight with God on your side. #faithbites #faithjourney

Slowdown but keep moving
December 21 – Slow Down, Keep Moving

4:355 – Slow Down, Keep Moving #faithbites #fiathjourner slow Setting This is my second day on Christmas vacation but I feel I’m working more (professional and home stuff) than I did when I wasn’t on […] Read More