
3/1 – Wacky March

5:60 – Wacky March #faithbites #faithjourney wacky Intro I ddon’t know if there is something in the water or if it’s cabin fever or what, but March has started off WACKY. I’ve had many of […] Read More

2/28 – Known in Certain Circles

5:58 – Known in Certain Cirlces #faithbites #faithjourney certain Intro The other day I was in a meeting and we were talking about how to get our students known for their work. We talked about […] Read More

2/26 – Should We Just Throw It Away?

5:57 – Should We Just Throw It Away? #faithbites #faithjourney throw Intro Today I was fighting with one of my 3D printers. I was so frustrated with it and just wanted to be done. My […] Read More

2/24 – New Routines

5:57 – New Routines #faithbites #faithjourney routines Intro Before I left on vacation, I did something I’ve never done before: I removed my work email account from my phone. At first it was weird as […] Read More

2/16 – Strong and Courageous

5:47 – Strong and Courageous faithbites #faithbiteslite #faithjourney strong Since we are on vacation, I’m going to ALLOW myself to rest. So I introduce #faithbiteslite just a verse for you to reflect on Deuteronomy 3:1:6 […] Read More

Law and Order are important. Forgiveness is more important
2/10 – Law & Order & Forgiveness

5:41 – Law & Order & Forgiveness #faithbites #faithjourney order Intro I like and need laws and rules because they provide order. I can be a very black and white person when it comes to […] Read More

Angry, Upset, Broken, Forgiven
2/8 – Angry, Upset, Broken, Confused. Forgiven

2:39 – Angry, Upset, Broken, Confused. Forgiven #faithbites #faithjourney upset Intro I described my feelings today as raw. Raw means I’m angry, upset, broken, and confused. It has been a crazy day and I think […] Read More