
November 17 – Write it Down and Hit Save

320 – Write it Down and Hit Save #faithbites #faithjourney #RoadtoEdD Write Today was another writing day on the #RoadtoEdD. Lots of searching, writing, and revising. When I was finished for the day, I wrote about […] Read More

October 15 – If You Can’t Teach, Can You Facilitate?

288 – If You Can’t Teach, Can You Facilitate? #faithbites #faithjourney facilitate If you asked me a year ago if I’d be teaching in a medical school, I would tell you no way. I’m not a […] Read More

October 2 – I am so Thirsty

275 – I Am So Thirsty #faithbites #faithjourney thirsty I woke up this morning very thirsty. I figured I’d get a drink when I was showered, changed, and ready for work. Throughout my shower, even […] Read More

August 24 – Trash Compactor: The Walls Are Closing In

236 – Trash Compactor: The Walls Are Closing In #faithbites #faithjourney walls One of the most famous scenes in Star Wars, is Luke, Han, and Chewey trying to rescue Leia from the Death Star. During the […] Read More

August 14 – A New School Year, A Clean Slate

226 – A New School Year, A Clean Slate #faithbites #faithjourney slate Tonight, we went to registration night for my eldest. We reconnected with old friends, met her teacher, signed up for activities, and had […] Read More

June 22 – Repetition: Again and Again

#173of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney #Repetition Repetition: Again and Again Wake up. Bathroom. Shower. Shave. Dress. Eat. Get Kids Ready. Work. Eat. Work. Home. Rinse and repeat. Like is filled with repetition. We do things over and […] Read More

June 11 – Do you hear the words coming out of my mouth

#162of365 #FaithBites #FaithJourney Do you hear the words coming out of my mouth? Language is a powerful thing. It lets us convey our thoughts, feelings, dreams, desires, believes, wishes, and more. It helps connect us […] Read More