Old Testament

Never give up
November 14 – Never Give Up!

4:318 – Never Give Up! #faithbites #faithjourney Never Setting Most of you know that I am not very mechanical. I have “a person” for plumbing, heating, painting, just about everything. I have tried over the […] Read More

Removing Obstacles
November 13 – Removing Obstacles

4:317 – Removing Obstacles #faithbites #faithjourney obstacles Setting Today’s #faithbites brought to you by the verse of the day. How often do we try to find fault in what other people do? Have you ever […] Read More

Is your inner monologue vocal?
November 12 – I Hear Your Inner Monologue Again?

4:316 – I Heard Your Inner Monologue Again #faithbites #faithjourney monologue Setting I’ll admit, back in the 90s, I loved the Austin Powers Movies. Yes, they were bad and probably don’t hold up to today’s […] Read More

You aren't responsible
November 11 – You Are Not Responsible For Other’s Actions!

4:315 – You Are Not Responsible For Other’s Actions! #faithbites #faithjourney responsible Setting Life is hard. We want to help everyone. We want people to be successful. Sometimes that’s just not the way it plays […] Read More

I think they meant
November 8 – I Think They Meant

4:312 – I Think They Meant… #faithbites #faithjourney meant Setting I recently heard someone speak and could have sworn I knew exactly what they meant. I felt it was a slam against me but I […] Read More

Whatever you call them, moms are love
November 5 – Whatever You Call Her, Mom is Love

4:309 – Whatever You Call Her, Mom is Love #faithbites #faithjourney whatever Setting Mom. Mother. Mum. Mommy. Mama. Mommo. Maw. Whatever you call her, our mother figures mean something to us. I say mother figures […] Read More

November 2 – Please Listen To Me

4:306 – Please Listen To Me #faithbites #faithjourney listen Setting Today I had a bad experience with the doctor. He was rushing, late, didn’t really listen to me, and was out the door. He had […] Read More