
Make Joy!
August 23 – Joy Is What You Make It

4:235 – Joy Is What You Make It #faithbites #faithjourney Joy Setting Today, I got to introduce students to problem based learning and have their first session. This is a new group of students at […] Read More

Life's Happy Little Accidents
August 15 – Happy Little Accidents

4:227 – Happy Little Accidents #faithbites #faithjourney accidents Settings On this Sunday afternoon, I finished all my chores and decided I could do a little painting for a Solivander Presents project. I’m starting to find […] Read More

Religion vs faith
July 25 – Struggling with Religion, Not Faith

4:206 – Struggling with Religion, Not Faith #faithbites #faithjourney struggling Setting A few days ago, a friend called me a religious person. My response was I’m not religious but spiritual. I have a deep faith […] Read More

Why do we do what we do?
July 22 – Why Are We Doing What We Are Doing?

4:203 – Why Are We Doing What We Are Doing? #faithbites #faithjourney doing Setting A few times throughout the year, I question why I am doing what I’m doing. This includes writing #faithbites and just […] Read More

Waiting on the Lord
June 22 – Waiting for the Lord!

4:173 – Waiting for the Lord! #faithbites #faithjourney waiting Setting If I could sum up the past month or so, it would be change. Work colleagues leaving, close friends moving or potentially moving away, relatives […] Read More

June 20 – Silenzio, Bruno

4:171 – Silenzio, Bruno #faithbites #faithjourney Bruno Setting I’m in my head a lot. By that I mean, I think alot and have a ton of scenarios always running through my head. Most of them […] Read More

June 2 – Sunburnt or Sonburnt?

4:153 – Sunburnt or Sonburnt? #faithbites #faithjourney sunburnt Setting Three days in the sun and water, make for a little sunburnt, Som. I’ve been living up everyday but yesterday I didn’t do a great job. […] Read More