Faith Bites

Why did God make these crazy creatures?
July 9 – Crazy Creatures

4:190 – Crazy Creatures #faithbites #faithjourney crazy Setting Some #faithbites are deep in dogma, others are deep in personal experience, this one is just bananas and fun. For the past two nights, I have been […] Read More

Were you oriented or onboard to our faith?
July 8 – Onboarding In The Faith

4:189 – Onboarding In The Faith #faithbites #faithjourney onboarding Setting They say to write what you know about, so here goes. One of my jobs as faculty development is to help onboard people to our […] Read More

July 7 – Seeing The Future

4:188 – Seeing The Future #faithbites #faithjourney future Setting On vacation, my youngest decided to share my bed. It was alike sleeping with a fish as she flipped all night. At five this morning, I […] Read More

July 6 – Be Sincere, Be Love

4:187 – Be Sincere, Be Love! #faithbites #faithjourney sincere Setting Love is a wonderful emotion. We can be in romantic love, fily love, friend love, and experience Agape Love from God.. I was thinking about […] Read More

July 5 – Everybody Poops

4:186 – Everybody Poops #faithbites #faithjourney poops Setting You probably looked at the title for this #faithbites and thought that give lost my mind. How or what does pooping have to do with faith or […] Read More

July 4 – Should We Celebrate Our Independence?

4:185 – Should We Celebrate Our Independence? #faithbites #faithjourney independence Setting Happy Independence Day to all of my American friends. 245 years ago, we became a new nation dedicated to certain unalienable rights. Where anyone […] Read More

July 3 – ASK And You Shall Recieve

4:184 – ASK And You Shall Recieve #faithbites #faithjourney ask Setting This week at work, I did something, I have never done before. I advocated for a promotion to advance the mission of my work […] Read More