Tag: Romans

September 28 – Greater than the Haters

271 – Greater than the Haters #faithbites #faithjourney haters Today has been a rough day for me emotionally. Anxiety has been a wreck and all of the vitriol about sexual harassment, misconduct, abuse, #meetoo what […] Read More

September 25 – We Don’t Agree, but I love You

268 – We Don’t Agree, But I Love You #faithbites #faithjourney Agree In high school and college I remember having debates about religion, sex, politics, and pretty much any topic that went late into the […] Read More

September 13 – Don’t Forget to Save

256 – Don’t Forget to Save #faithbites #faithjourney save So I just realized that this faithbite has technology in it and it is #256 which is a common computer number for memory and such. Kinda cool. […] Read More

August 27 – Thanks For Everything You Do and Are

239 – Thanks For Everything You Do and Are #faithbites #faithjourney Thanks Thank You For Everything You Do. This was a common phrase used by a former supervisor of mine. This person used it so much […] Read More

August 22 – We Are All Sinful

232 – We Are All Sinful #faithbites #faithjourney sinful In yesterday’s #faithbites, we talked about loving one another no matter what. In the image I used, it talked about worshiping other Gods and about being […] Read More

August 14 – A New School Year, A Clean Slate

226 – A New School Year, A Clean Slate #faithbites #faithjourney slate Tonight, we went to registration night for my eldest. We reconnected with old friends, met her teacher, signed up for activities, and had […] Read More

August 2 – I Can’t Live With The Pain. It Hurts

214 – I Can’t Live With The Pain. It Hurts #faithbites #faithjourney hurts. Getting older stinks some times. I love that I am older as my mind is sharper, I’m more secure, and I have more […] Read More