Tag: Romans

February 20 – I Appreciate You

Today’s lesson is about appreciation and those little acts that make it all worth it. Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t always have the right words, but I  try to have the right intent. […] Read More

February 5 – Platonic Relationships

Today’s lesson is about platonic relationships and how valuable they can be. Many know me as very outgoing, willing to strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone. What most don’t know is I have […] Read More

February 4 – Broken and Fearful

Today’s lesson is on being broken and fearful. Fear not, I am doing very well. I wanted to touch upon these two topics as it is central to who we are as humans and our […] Read More

January 31 – Who are We Really or Masks

Today’s lesson is on our true self or what masks we wear around others. The other day at work, I laughed out loud. There was no hesitation. No second guessing. Just doing a little dance, […] Read More