
May 4 – Being Sick Stinks

2:124 – Being Sick Stinks #faithbites #faithjourney sick Today, I’m more than a little under the weather. I’ve been coughing, nauseous, dizzy, and achy. This isn’t fun. Not only that, but I was supposed to […] Read More

April 7 – Ugh Is The Word Of The Day

2:97 – Ugh is the Word Of The Day #faithbites #faithjourney UGH To quote an old theme song, “You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have The […] Read More

April 1 – The Right Tool For The Job

2:91 – The Right Tool For The Job #faithbites #faithjourney tool It’s 6:00 A.M. and the room is dark. My daughter and wife are snoring and I’m trying to get dressed. I need to find […] Read More

March 29 – Rocks Are Forever

2:88 – Rocks Are Forever #faithbites #faithjourney rocks When most people think of paying their respects at a gravesite, they bring flowers, or in the winter a grave blanket. In the Jewish faith, you don’t […] Read More

March 22 – Faithbites The Podcast?

2:81 – Faithbites The Podcast #faithbites #faithjourney podcast A friend of mine is starting her own podcast. She wanted to record her voice and stories for her daughter for the day when she isn’t around. […] Read More

March 19 – I Can Do All Things…

2:78 – I Can Do All Things…. #faithbites #faithjourney things In life sometimes we think we can do things that we can’t and other times we think we can’t do things that we can. When […] Read More

March 18 – Beards

2:77 – Beards #faithbites #faithjourney beards Fair warning, this isn’t one of your normal #faithbites. This isn’t a deep introspective look at the soul. This is more fun. I’ve haven’t been shaving in a while, […] Read More