Pain leads to recovery
4/6 – From pain comes recovery and peace
5:96 – From pain comes recovery and peace

#faithbites #faithjourney recovery


Many of you have been flowing my #painjourney for nearly three years. Today, I started another round of physical therapy. It was just an evaluation but wow does it hurt. Some say PT stands for pain and torture. I can tell you it doesn’t feel good. But, if you ask any physical therapist, the pain will lessen over time as you get strong and will lead to recovery. It’s hard to get better without overcoming the pain.

In life, we have many pains. Emotionally, spiritually, financially, and physically. Recovery doesn’t just come on you one day. It takes work, effort, and determination to move from pain to recovery.

  • How can you use pain to propel you forward?
  • What happens while you are in pain?. Who can you draw on for strength to move past pain?
  • Job 6:10 – Then I would still have this consolation my joy in unrelenting pain that I had not denied the word of the Holy One
  • Romans 8:18 – For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
  • Romans 5:3-4 – More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope

My physical therapist said she was going to ask me a question and told me to be brutally honest. She said what is your goal after completing PT? I chuckled but said to be pain-free. I don’t know if that’s possible but it’s a goal.

Jesus never asks us what we want, but he tells us what we get: Reconciliation with God, forgiveness, everlasting life, and a father who will never leave us. Jesus also tells us that following him won’t be easy. We will have trials, tribulations, and suffering. But through that suffering, through his forgiveness, and God’s mercy we will have what we need.

As we close remember that while we may never have zero pain in this life, we do have recovery and peace through Christ forevermore.


Lord God, tonight we ask for healing for all of your children. We know that whatever we ask in your name, you will grant it. Heal our bodies, minds, and souls. Help us to connect back to you first, foremost, and last. Lord, we know that through our pain, through our trials, you will always be there. That with you and only you, we have an everlasting recovery. We love you and thank you. In your name, we pray, Amen.

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