4/10 – The human side of church
5:100 – The human side of church

#faithbites #faithjourney human


I love God and have a strong and evolving faith. This post may rub some people the wrong way and I apologize. The other day, I was talking to a friend and she was speaking truth into me. I said I felt disconnected from my church but I couldn’t put a finger on it. It wasn’t one thing or anything I could think of. Yes, COVID had some to do with it, but I just felt not connected. She reminded me that I had been on our lay board of directors for several years and sometimes that can cause disconnection. You would think by seeing the inner working of the church, you’d be more connected but not always. When you see the human side of things, church takes on a different meaning and feeling.

  • Has the human side of church changed your relationship with the church? God? Faith?
  • How can we do God’s work, worship together as he commands, and still love?
  • When we feel disconnected, how can our brothers and sisters help us?
  • Galatians 6:10 – So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.
  • Acts 20:28 – Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.

God tells us that his church is special. We are chosen to serve him. He also shows us that we need to talk care of the flock (church) as he made us overseers. This is the flock that Jesus gave his life for.

The church as most say, isn’t the building but the people. Making sure that we keep church holy is important. Often, and maybe this was the situation in my case, we only have so much energy. We have a place in our heart for God and worship but when we get too involved in the running of the church, we lose our energy for worshipping and connecting. When we see how the sausage is made, does it make us want to worship more or does it turn us off? I don’t have a great answer.

As we close, remember we nee dto worship God and we need people to run the human side of the organization. We have to understand where our skills are and what we cna do at a specific time. Sometimes we need a separate place to worship than where we serve.


Lord Jesus. You are love. You care for us and gave your life for your church. We pray that you help us remember that the church is the people. While we need volunteers to get stuff done. It may not be the right place for us to build strength. Amen

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