
October 10 – The Nothing

283 – The Nothing #faithbites #faithjourney nothing One of my favorite movies as a kid was “The NeverEnding Story”. It’s an awesome fantasy story where a kid from the real world is reading a book […] Read More

October 8 – Telling My Story

281 – Telling My Story #faithbites #faithjourney story What is your story? What is my story? I have been alive for over 41 years, I have written faithbites for 280 days but have I told […] Read More

October 7 – Warm Comforting Arms

280 – Warm Comforting Arms #faithbites #faithjourney Arms Close your eyes. Think of a time you felt safe, warm, and comforted. It may have been when you were a kid in one of your parents […] Read More

October 6 – The Leaders We Deserve?

279 – The Leaders We Deserve? #faithbites #faithjourney Leaders A new Supreme Court Justice confirmed. In 30 days we will vote for local, state, and national representatives. 758 days from now we will elect our […] Read More

September 27 – Are You Enjoying Yourself?

270 – Are You Enjoying Yourself? #faithbites #faithjourney Enjoying “Are You Enjoying Yourself”? That was the question one of my advisors for my EdD asked me yesterday. I was meeting with two of them to […] Read More

September 15 – You Are Loved

258 – You Are Loved #faithbites #faithjourney loved Guess what? You are loved. Not because work what you have done. Not because of who you are but because you are a child of God. Pretty […] Read More

September 14 – If You’re Gonna Walk on Water Would You Drop a Line My Way

257 – If You’re Gonna Walk on Water Would You Drop a Line My Way #faithbites #faithjourney #countingcrows line Have you ever had a day when you just don’t feel good enough? A day when […] Read More