Month: June 2021

June 9 – Glorious Purpose

4:160 – Glorious Purpose #faithbites #faithjourney glorious Setting Today, the Disney+ Show Loki premiered with an episode called, “Glorious Purpose”. I’m a huge Marvel and superhero fan and was excited to see this show. It […] Read More

June 8 – Change Is What We Make It!

4:159 – Change Is What We Make It! #faithbites #faithjourney change Setting Anytime something changes it can be a challenge. Today was my first day back from vacation and it was a bit of a […] Read More

June 7 – The Bird, The Squirrel, and The Birds

4:158 – The Bird, The Squirrel, and The Birds #faithbites #faithjourney bird Setting I dropped my daughter off at gymnastics and was sitting in the car when I noticed a squirrel at the bottom of […] Read More

God Meant It. Let's love
June 6 – God Meant It, Let’s Do It

4:157 – God Meant It, Let’s Do It #faithbites #faithjourney meant Setting Driving on I-65 through Tennessee this morning, I saw the billboard in the picture. I have been thinking about this nonstop. God truly […] Read More

June 5 – Back to Normal?

4:156 – Back to Normal? #faithbites #faithjourney normal Setting I’m writing this as we are traveling back to normal. Well, actually Bloomington but not all sounds better. We are on day one of the trip […] Read More

June 4 – Balancing Giving and Receiving

4:155 – Balancing Giving and Receiving #faithbites #faithjourney balancing Setting I’m struggling this morning. Last night, I blew up a little bit at the kids and had to get away for a bit. It wasn’t […] Read More

June 3 – Carry His Word On You

4:154 –  Carry His Word On You #faithbites #faithjourney word Setting Yesterday, while getting on a dolphin cruise, I noticed one of the crew had Romans 8:18 tattooed on her arm. While I’m learning the […] Read More