Month: January 2021

January 9 – Right Message, Wrong Messenger?

4:9 – Right Message, Wrong Messenger #faithbites #faithjourney message Setting Today I was involved in a very heated debate on Facebook. It was around politics and beliefs. During the debate, it became clear that no […] Read More

What are you putting into the world
January 8 – What Are You Putting Into The World?

4:8 – What Are You Putting Into the World? #faithbites #faithjourney putting Setting What are you putting into the world? Is it love, kindness, and compassion? Are you sharing hate, anger, and division? Is it […] Read More

Sense of Security
January 7 – Security Shaken But Not Gone

4:7 – Security Shaken But Not Gone! #faithbites #faithjourney security Setting (Trigger Warning) Yesterday (and to some extent today) was hard. I watched on TV as armed rioters (I won’t get into if we called […] Read More

From Power to Action
January 6 – How Will You Use Your Power?

4:6 – How Will You Use Your Power #faithbites #faithjourney power Setting Good Afternoon, all. Yesterday we talked about being powerful and how our power comes from God. Today’s question or topic is now that […] Read More

January 5 – Do You Feel Powerful?

4:5 – Do You Feel Powerful? #faithbites #faithjourney powerful Setting Is it odd or is it God? In the past few days, the idea of being powerless and claiming your power has been ever present. […] Read More

How Do You Live Unselfishly and Take Care Of Yourself?
January 4 – Give Unselfishly

4:4 – Give Unselfishly #faithbites #faithjourney unselfishly I want to live a life where I give unselfishly of my time and energy to others. Most days I feel like I do that. Some days, I […] Read More

God's faucet is endless
January 3 – Are You Filling Up At The Faucet?

4:3 – Are You Filling Up At The Faucet? #faithbites #faithjourney faucet Setting I have a love/hate relationship with faucets. Many of you know that we’ve been undergoing a kitchen and bedroom remodel since the […] Read More