Month: October 2019

Oct 10 – Praise: What’s In A Word

2:283 – Praise: What’s In A Word? #faithbites #faithjourney Praise What does “Praise” mean? According to, the verb form means, express warm approval or admiration of. The noun form means, the expression of approval […] Read More

Oct 9 – You Can’t Take It With You

2:282 – You Can’t Take It With You #faithbites #faithjourney #redletterchallenge Take You may have heard the saying, “He who dies with the most toys, wins.” Then there is the more realistic one, “He who […] Read More

Oct 8 – Life’s Rough, Love Each Other

2:281 – Life’s Rough, Love Each Other #faithbites #faithjourney love Today’s been a bad pain day, a bad social media day, ok work day, and an ok parenting day. But I’m exhausted. We’ve talked about […] Read More

Oct 7 – Church Is Not Like A Choir

2:280 – Church Is Not Like A Choir #faithbites #faithjourney choir Those who know me, know I love to sing and dance. But I can’t carry a tune in a bucket and I dance to […] Read More

Oct 6 – Superhero Jesus

2:279 – Superhero Jesus #faithbites #faithjourney Superhero This faithbite inspired by my eldest. She, like me, loves Superheros. This was a fitting topic with Joker coming out, Batwoman starting tonight, and all the superhero shows […] Read More

Oct 5 – Big Service, Tiny Gestures

2:278 – Big Service, Tiny Gestures #faithbites #faithjourney #redletterchallenge Gestures As we finish our the week of service in the red letter challenge, it’s easy to think we have to do amazing things to make […] Read More

Oct 4 – It Hurts But I’ll Keep The Faith

2:277 – It Hurts But I’ll Keep The Faith #faithbites #faithjourney hurts No flowery faithbite tonight. Just back to basics. It’s been a long week of pain. I’m trying to stay positive but it hurts. […] Read More