Old Testament

Not my circus
September 28 – Your Circus, Your Monkeys

4:271 – Your Circus, Your Monkeys #faithbites #faithjourney circus Setting If you know me, you know I like to help others. I’m willing to do just about anything for anyone. Sometimes though, I get frustrated […] Read More

September 23 – Oh The Places You’ll Go!

4:266 – Oh, The Places You’ll Go! #faithbites #faithjourney places Setting Tonight, I was helping my youngest with her reading. She chose, Dr. Seuss’s, Oh The Places You’ll Go. As we read it, she loves […] Read More

Are you supported?
September 21 – Love, Cherished, and Supported Part 2

4:264 – Love, Cherished, and Supported Part 2 #faithbites #faithjourney Supported Setting I was driving home yesterday and saw a sign that said: “Support your Veterans” and was an ad for the Veteran’s Association. That […] Read More

It it now time to act
September 20 – Time to Decide

4:263 – Time to Decide #faithbites #faithjourney decide Setting Have you ever had a decision that is just weighing on your mind? I know I have. The feeling of great opportunity but also great reward. […] Read More

God is working!
September 17 – God Works for the Good

4:260 – God Works for the Good. #faithbites #faithjourney Works Setting These past few days have been an emotional rollercoaster. I don’t know why things are happening or what God’s plan is, but he has […] Read More

September 15 – Two Roads Diverged

4:258 – Two Roads Diverged #faithbites #faithjourney roads Setting Choices. We have choices every day. Some seem benign liks what cereal to eat while othwrs like, should i take this job or not, can have […] Read More

September 14 – Cherished, Supported and Loved

4:257 – Cherished, Supported and Loved #faithbites #faithjourney cherished Setting Today was an day of impact. From dreams last night to meetings today, to an email that had the words cherished, loved, and supported. This […] Read More