Old Testament

Overcome Inertia
December 6 – Overcoming Inertia

4:340 – Overcoming Inertia #faithbites #faithjourney inertia Setting Come January 1, I’m going to eat right, exercise, and get in shape. January 1 comes….I’m tired or I have things to do. Does this sound like […] Read More

November 5 – Your Voice Is Getting To Me

4:339 – Your Voice Is Getting To Me #faithbites #faithjourney voice Setting This #faithbites title can be taken two ways, one we hate, and one we grow to love. The first is the one we […] Read More

Give It To Me Straight!
December 3 – Give It To Me Straight, Please!

4:337 – Give It to Me Straight, Please! #faithbites #faithjourney straight Setting When I say, “Used Car Salesman” or “mechanic”, what do you think about? Many think about getting shafted or scammed. That maybe they […] Read More

Come to the source
December 2 – Going to the Source for Answers

4:336 – Going to the Source for Answers #faithbites #faithjourney source Setting When you are sick or something feels off, do you search the web for answers? It’s ok, we all do it. Have you […] Read More

What is the meaning of the Bible?
November 30 – The Meaning Behind The Words

4:334 – The Meaning Behind The Words #faithbites #faithjourney meaning Setting We all know words have power. They can build up nations and destroy relationships. The words we choose can be daggers in the heart […] Read More

End the Stigma
November 28 – Can You Hear Me?

4:332 – Can You Hear Me? #faithbites #faithjourney hear Setting Sometimes God messes with you and wants you to hear what he has to say. As you know, I’m a huge science fiction fan. In […] Read More

November 27 – Darkness Leads To A Great Light

4:331 – Darkness Leads To A Great Light #faithbites #faithjourney leads Setting When you turn on the news or look at social media, usually the bleak amd darkness is overwhelming. Very seldom are the warm […] Read More