
Gods love never fails never gives up and never runs out on me
November 25 – Does Your Love Ever Run Out?

329 – Does Your Love Ever Run Out? #faithbites #faithjourney love I can say that I have loved many people in my life. Some as friends or family, others romantically. I can also tell you that […] Read More

November 17 – Write it Down and Hit Save

320 – Write it Down and Hit Save #faithbites #faithjourney #RoadtoEdD Write Today was another writing day on the #RoadtoEdD. Lots of searching, writing, and revising. When I was finished for the day, I wrote about […] Read More

October 24 – Two Roads Diverged In a Wood But Where to?

297 – Two Roads Diverged In a Wood But Where to? #faithbites #faithjourney Woods Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And […] Read More

August 12 – What Would Your Superpower Be?

224 – What Would Your Superpower Be? #faithbites #faithjourney superpower I don’t know about you, but I love superheroes. All shows, even the terrible ones are great. Comics are amazing. Movies are fun. Even the […] Read More

August 10 – Do You Believe in Magic?

222 – Do You Believe in Magic? #faitbites #faithjourney magic Webster’s has two definitions of magic. The first is the one we are most familiar with the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed […] Read More

August 7 – Don’t Let Go Daddy…Daddy, Let Go

219 – Don’t Let Go Daddy…Daddy, Let Go #faithbites #faithjourney let A waterpark is pure excitment and fun for a kid…if they can swim. When they can’t swim or are in doubt, fear sets in. […] Read More

July 15 – You Are Chosen Without You Doing Anything

196 – You Are Chosen Without You Doing Anything There is the old saying that you can pick your friends (and your nose) but not your family. We are born into a family without any […] Read More