
The Future Is Unknown
April 9 – The Future is Unknown To Us And Is Exciting

4:99 – The Future is Unknown to Us and Is Exciting #faithbites #faithjourney unknown Setting God has a unique way of messing with us when he wants us to learn. Lately, I’ve been wondering about […] Read More

Apologize too much
March 19 – I Apologize A LOT

4:78 – I Apologize A LOT #faithbites #faithjourney apologize Setting During work today, I realized I stepped on a colleagues toes and sent a quick apology. Then I realized that I apologize a lot. like […] Read More

March 12 – All Sins Are Bad. Confess and Be Healed

4:70 – All Sins Are Bad. Confess and Be Healed #faithbites #faithjourney confess Setting Through #faithbites, my social media presence, and in person, I often confess my sins. I know that I am broken, and […] Read More

What you say quickly can impact forever
March 5 – A Moment On The Lips, A Lifetime On The Hips

4:64 – A Moment On The Lips, A Lifetime On The Hips #faithbites #faithjourney lips Setting This morning I was thinking about memes that people share. The good, the bad, and the ugly. What struck […] Read More

Sing and Feel
February 24 – Sing It, Feel It

4:55 – Sing It, Feel It #faithbites #faithjourney feel Setting Today my eldest’s class presented the chapel message for her school. I struggled during the beginning to stay focused watching it online and not multitask. […] Read More

What's Next
February 22 – Your Identity is Given, What’s Next?

4:53 – Your Identity is Given, What’s Next? #faithbites #faithjourney next Setting You are made worthy through God. You are a chosen child of God. The question is what’s next? I know that God loves […] Read More

Perseverance is key
February 18 – Perseverance Matters! Keep Going

4:49 – Perseverance Matters! Keep Going! #faithbites #faithjourney perseverance Setting After 9 months and 127 million miles, the Mars Perseverance rover has landed. I can’t imagine the work, determination, and perseverance it takes to design, […] Read More