
February 28 – Being Fully Committed and Engaged

Today’s lesson is on being fully committed or fully engaged. I love people. I love my family. I love helping others. I am also honest about myself knowing that very rarely am I fully engaged. […] Read More

February 26 – Self Worth

Today’s lesson is about the importance of valuing yourself. We are always hardest on ourselves. This is a mantra that I have had my whole life. I am never good enough, never strong enough, never […] Read More

February 24 – Impact

Today’s lesson in one on impact. How those little moments can change someone’s day, outlook, and ultimately their life. I wrote yesterday about my experience as a tall, strong, able-bodied man becoming very physically disabled for a […] Read More

February 23 – (Dis) Abilities

Today’s lesson is about appreciating those with disabilities or other abilities. I admit when I’m driving behind someone going slow I get mad sometimes. When I’m in line at the checkout and someone is going […] Read More

February 22- Writing a Letter

Today’s lesson is about the power of a letter. As part of a wellness program at work, I am taking a Going with Gratitude class during lunch. This weeks topic was set around the idea […] Read More

February 19 – Breathe

Today’s lesson is on breathing. Not just breathing but BREATHING. Take a second to close your eyes. I mean actually do it. Then take a deep breath. In through your nose, out through your mouth. […] Read More

February 16 – Compromise

Today’s lesson is on the art of compromise. To some compromise is a four-letter word. To others that is what we should strive for. In some leadership training, we say compromise is a lose-lose situation […] Read More