
December 10 – Fasting isn’t about lack of food

344 – Fasting isn’t about lack of food #faithbites #faithjourney fasting Tomorrow I start prepping for a colonoscopy. It’s not fun and more than just a little pain in the butt. Pun intended. The hardest […] Read More

November 26 -Don’t be Scammed By Something That Is Too Good To Be True

330 – Don’t be Scammed By Something That Is Too Good To Be True #faithbites #faithjourney scammed This is hard for me to admit as I used to work in IT security. Not only that but […] Read More

October 31 – The Holy Spirit is Within You

304 – The Holy Spirit is Within You #faithbites #faithjourney #Halloween Spirit Happy Halloween to those who celebrate. Hope you and yours had fun today. As I’ve said before, I get inspired for Faithbites from […] Read More

October 22 – What is a Christian?

295 – What is a Christian? #faithbites #faithjourney Christian If I asked you, what was a Christian, could you answer? Would you say you were one or would you say you are a Lutheran or […] Read More

October 20 – Big Picture or Little Pieces?

293 – Big Picture or Little Pieces #faithbites #faithjourney picture Some people say you have to look at the big picture to understand life, the universe and everything. Others say that the big picture is […] Read More

October 11 – Tiny Acts of Kindness

284 – Tiny Acts of Kindness #faithbites #fiathjourney Tiny I was blessed to spend the day with my youngest. We did a little bit of shopping then went to McDonald’s for lunch. When we sat […] Read More

September 13 – Don’t Forget to Save

256 – Don’t Forget to Save #faithbites #faithjourney save So I just realized that this faithbite has technology in it and it is #256 which is a common computer number for memory and such. Kinda cool. […] Read More