Old Testament

April 19 – How I Do I Learn The Whole Story?

4:109 – How Do I Learn the Whole Story? #faithbites #faithjourney whole Setting As you may know, everyone learns a bit differently. Some like to watch videos while others read. Some want lectures and others […] Read More

April 18 – How Can I Be An Ally?

4:108 – How Can I Be An Ally? #faithbites #faithjourney ally Setting Yesterday we talked about the importance of calling on your allies because we can’t do it alone. God has shown us over and […] Read More

We All Need Allies
April 17 – Call Upon Your Allies

4:107 – Call Upon Your Allies #faithbites #faithjourney Allies Setting Yesterday we talked about putting on the whole armor of God before going into battle. God gives us more than his Armor, he gives us […] Read More

April 15 – Because of Jesus, I Am Worthy

4:105 – Because of Jesus, I Am Worthy #faithbites #faithjourney worthy Setting I often wonder what I’m supposed to be when I grow up bouncing from thing to thing and even then don’t think I’m […] Read More

April 13 – Division and Multiplication

4:103 – Division and Multiplication #faithbites #faithjourney division Setting In college, I did math because I had to. It was rote memorization and I hated it. Now I’m helping my eldest with her 5th grade […] Read More

The Whole Story
April 12 – Read the Whole Story

4:102 – Read the Whole Story #faithbites #faithjourney whole Setting Iron Man is only a tech giant playboy. Aslan dies in the middle. Rocky gets knocked out. Daniel LaRusso gets beat up. If you only […] Read More

The Future Is Unknown
April 9 – The Future is Unknown To Us And Is Exciting

4:99 – The Future is Unknown to Us and Is Exciting #faithbites #faithjourney unknown Setting God has a unique way of messing with us when he wants us to learn. Lately, I’ve been wondering about […] Read More