Old Testament

God Not Google
December 18 – Don’t Google It, Ask God!

4:352 – Don’t Google It, Ask God! #faithbites #faithjourney google Setting Have you ever wondered what was legal in one state or another? Curious about what the right answer was about something? Have you ever […] Read More

December 16 – No Energy

4:350 – No Energy #faithbites #faithjourney energy Setting Todah iis one of those days when I have a million things I want to do, but no energy. I’m sad regarding a friend from church who […] Read More

December 15 – The Grinch Who Stole Jesus

4:349 – The Grinch Who stole Jesus #faithbites #faithjourney grinch Prelude This #faithbites is a variation on a devotion I will be doing on Friday for the sixth graders at school. I was inspired by […] Read More

Graduations and Traditions are a Change to Reflect and Trust
December 11 – Graduations and Transitions

4:345 – Graduations and Transitions #faithbites #faithjourney graduations Setting When you look back at your graduations or the graduations of others, what do you think and how do you feel? Was there a sense of […] Read More

We are different and equal
December 10 – Equal And Different

4:344 – Equal And Different #faithbites #faithjourney equal Setting Today we are celebrating my eldest’s birthday at school. She wanted Dairy Queen Dilly Bars. Next week will celebrate my youngest’s half birthday but she wants […] Read More

December 9 – The Flux Is Confusing

4:344 – The Flux Is Confusing #faithbites #faithjourney flux Setting I love Doctor Who. It’s history is amazing and fun. Right now, I’m watching season 13 (modern) and it’s subtitled Flux. Let me tell you […] Read More

December 7 – I Should’ve Asked Someone

4:341 – I Should’ve Asked Someone #faithbites #faithjourney asked Setting Tonight I ordered pizza for my youngest and I. I ordered a large pizza with pepperoni on one side and cheese sauce for the breadsticks. […] Read More