
August 15 – What Is Your Divine Calling?

2:227 – What Is Your Divine Calling? #faithbites #faithjourney Divine There has probably been a time in your life where you wonder what your supposed to do. I know I do constantly. I have the […] Read More

August 14 – You Are Valuable

2:226 – You Are Valuable #faithbites #faithjourney valuable I’ve had a few events lately where I have felt in certain settings that I am not valuable. It’s not like someone said I wasn’t valuable, their […] Read More

July 13 – Do As Your Father Told You To

2:194 – Do As Your Father Told You To #faithbites #faithjourney father “Go to bed.” “Go to the Bathroom.” “Shut the door.”. “Leave that alone.” “Get in the car.” “Get out of the car”. “Knock […] Read More

July 11 – Do You Let A Toliet Seat Define You?

2:192 – Do You Let A Toliet Seat Define You? #faithbites #faithjourney define Today I had to replace a toliet seat. Pretty simple stuff. I went to the store, took a long time looking at […] Read More

June 5 – Right Ingredients, Wrong Recipe

2:156 – Right Ingredients, Wrong Recipe #faithbites #faithjourney recipe It never fails. You see a recipe on Facebook or someone emails one to you and you want to make it. It sounds so good. You […] Read More

March 9 – Just Do What You Are Told. It’s Easier.

2:67 – Just Do What You Are Told. It’s Easier #faithbites #faithjourney told Today hasn’t been a good parenting day. Maybe it’s because the kids have had too much family time with everyone being sick […] Read More

December 13 – Are You Crafty?

347 – Are You Crafty? #faithbites #faithjourney crafty Some people are laborers, which to me means work with your hands. Yes, there are many different types of work, but for this post, I’m talking about […] Read More