
June 7 – Indulge and Explore

2:158 – Indulge and Explore #faithbites #faithjourney indulge I am sitting in my hotel in Virginia, drinking a caramel Breve and eating complimentary caramel popcorn and peanut brittle. This was after a day of travel […] Read More

May 6 – Let Me Get This Off My Chest

2:126 – Let Me Get This Off My Chest #faithbites #faithjourney chest Today, I had a coffee break with a friend who is familiar with the doctoral process. I was able to express my concerns, […] Read More

April 29 – Happiness Comes From…

2:119 – Happiness Comes From… #faithbites #faithjourney happiness Today was one of those days where I have been reflecting on life. I see jobs people do and think that might make me happy. Or pictures […] Read More

April 3 – Accepting A Good Day

2:93 – Accepting A Good Day #faithbites #faithjourney accepting Today was a good day. Not a great day or a bad day, but a good day. Sometimes I have trouble accepting an average good day. […] Read More

March 27 – Did I Break My Vow

2:86 – Did I Break My Vow #faithbites #faithjourney vow What is a Vow? In noun form it means a solemn promise. In verb form it means solemnly promise to do something. For Lent, many […] Read More

February 25 – What Does Expertise Mean Anyway?

2:56 – What Does Expertise Mean Anyway? #faithbites #faithjourney expertise Throughout my life, I have been a Jack of All Trades, master of none. I know a lot about a lot and very little about […] Read More

October 12 – Burr It’s Cold Out There

285 – Burr It’s Cold Out There #faithbites #faithjourney Cold On Monday in Central Illinois, it was in the 80s. On Friday, the high was 44. This morning when I got up and went to work […] Read More