
June 21 – Sharing Is Caring

2:171 – Sharing Is Caring #faithbites #faithjourney sharing The past few #faithbites have been pretty heavy so we are going to back off a bit. Today, I want to talk about the power of sharing. […] Read More

June 4 – Your Presence Is Enough

2:155 – Your Presence Is Enough #faithbites #faithjourney presence I like to help people. Sometimes, I rack my brain thinking of how to help others in pain or just in daily life. While we have […] Read More

June 2 – Welcome To The Neighborhood

2:153 – Welcome To The Neighborhood #faithbites #faithjourney neighborhood Today we went to church with our two kids and came home with five. They shared a meal, played, played, played, ran around, and enjoyed each […] Read More

April 30 – What’s Your Love Language?

2:120 – What’s Your Love Language? #faithbites #faithjourney language (Slight trigger warning as this deals with a bit of sexual content) When you think of a love language, what do you think of? Barry White, […] Read More

April 11 – I’m Ignorant AND I Want To Learn

2:101 – I’m Ignorant AND I want to Learn #faithbites #faithjourney ignorant When I learned about Leonardo da Vinci, I wanted to be like him. I wanted to be a renaissance man. Someone who excelled […] Read More

April 9 – Healthy Debate Is Healthy

2:99 – Healthy Debate Is Healthy #faithbites #faithjourney debate One of the complaints I hear, and I’ve said it myself, is that we can’t have healthy debate any more. It’s you agree with me or […] Read More

April 5 – People, Like God, Are Everywhere.

2:95 – People, Like God, Are Everywhere. #faithbjtes #faithjourney people I was in physical therapy again for my knee today. It was a session like any other, until my therapist and I started talking about […] Read More