1 Peter

pain is temporary
Sep 19 – Pain is Temporary, Memories Last Forever

3:263 – Pain is Temporary, Memories Last Forever #faithbites #faithjourney temporary Today, we were enjoying the fall weather at Rader Farms. My youngest was playing in the sand pit by herself and was a bit […] Read More

You aren't the Worst
Sep 9 – I’m The Worst Person in The World

3:253 – I’m The Worst Person in The World Setting Last night my youngest was upset, and for the second time in as many nights, said she was the worst person in the world. That […] Read More

Sep 8 – Intolerance

3:252 – Intolerance #faithbites #faithjourney intolerance Setting Yesterday in a heated debate, I, along with my friends, was called intolerant. That being tolerant means accepting all beliefs and all opinions. I wanted to dive a […] Read More

Love First
Aug 31 – Love Is More Important Than Being Right

3:244 – Love Is More Important Than Being Right #faithbites #faithjourney important Setting In the past month, I’ve done better in not reading and commenting on many Facebook posts. I just don’t have the energy […] Read More

From Nerves to Excitement
Aug 19 – Every New Beginning

3:232 – Every New Beginning #faithbites #faithjourney new Setting As we left our first-grade orientation, my youngest told me again that she was nervous. We talked about it and while she was excited, she was […] Read More

Respect one another
Aug 15 – Respect One Another

3:228 – Respect One Another #faithbites #faithjourney respect Setting I was trying to take a well-deserved nap this afternoon, and my youngest kept waking me up. I asked her if it was nice to wake […] Read More

And Peggy
July 31 – And Peggy. You Are Not A Thowaway

3:213 – And Peggy. You Are Not A Throwaway #faithbites #faithjourney #hamilton peggy Setting My best friend and daughter love the musical “Hamilton“. I haven’t seen it yet but they told me about a character […] Read More