You aren't the Worst
Sep 9 – I’m The Worst Person in The World
3:253 – I’m The Worst Person in The World

Last night my youngest was upset, and for the second time in as many nights, said she was the worst person in the world. That everything she does is wrong and she’s terrible. Those words tore at my heart. Where had she heard this? Was this because I was getting after her? Why is her self esteem so low. I kept thinking and praying and realized I felt that way most of my childhood and even sometimes still today. I asked her if God made her and she said yes. I asked if God made junk and she said no. Then I looked and asked if she was junk. She said no. She gets it but is so hard on herself.

We talked about messing up. That we all do it and usually it’s not a big deal. Then when it is, we talk about it, fix it, and forgive. My heart is still heavy thinking a six-year-old thinks she may be the worst person in the world.

Do you think that about yourself?

  • Ephesians 2:10 – For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
  • 1 Peter 2:9 – But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.
  • Philippians 4:13 – For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

God works in mysterious ways. Our first verse for today happens to be my youngest’s memory verse for the week. Hmm…are we trying to learn something here? Thanks, God. We all fall short of the glory of God and we don’t have to stay that way. Jesus forgives us. God made us in his image and chose us to be a holy nation. All we need to do is remember that no one is perfect. That we all feel that we are the worst person on the planet at some time.

For me, I need to look at my actions. Am I doing something that makes her feel that way? Are others making me feel that way? If so, what can I do to change my actions? If it’s others, how can turn it over to Christ so I don’t feel that way?

Parenting is hard. Life is hard. We all screw up. Remember this: God doesn’t make junk. You are loved, you are wanted, and you are forgiven.


Look at your actions. Is there something that you have done to make someone feel small? Is so, apologize. You may not have meant it, but your words can hurt.

Is there something someone else has done to make you feel small? Turn it over to God. Know that it is not true. That he loves you always.


Father God, be with my daughter. Help her to know that she is loved. Give me the skills to not make her feel like that and remind her of her place in your family. Help us all to know that you don’t make junk. That we aren’t the worst people in the world. That even when we mess up, you will forgive us and make us better.

We confess our sins and our wrongdoings, Lord. We often take all the glory and all the blame on ourselves. Let us keep you at the center to know that you will always love us, protect us, and forgive us. In your name, Amen.

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