Month: August 2018

August 10 – Do You Believe in Magic?

222 – Do You Believe in Magic? #faitbites #faithjourney magic Webster’s has two definitions of magic. The first is the one we are most familiar with the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed […] Read More

August 9 – Fake It, Till You Make It

221 – Fake It, Till You Make It #faithbites #faithjourney fake Today was water park and hotel day on vacation. A time for playing with the kids, interacting with people, and having a great time. […] Read More

August 8 – Daddy, Let Me Help You

220 – Daddy Let Me Help You #faithbites #faithjourney daddy Yesterday, we talked about children going from needing help (Daddy don’t let go) to thinking they can do everything on their own (Daddy, let go). […] Read More

August 7 – Don’t Let Go Daddy…Daddy, Let Go

219 – Don’t Let Go Daddy…Daddy, Let Go #faithbites #faithjourney let A waterpark is pure excitment and fun for a kid…if they can swim. When they can’t swim or are in doubt, fear sets in. […] Read More

August 6 – Amazing Nature, Amazing Love

218 – Amazing Nature, Amazing Love #faithbites #faithjourney Amazing I’ve written many times both about being alone and about God’s love. Today showcased both. So amazing. Today, I had the privilege if driving a jet […] Read More

August 5 – When times are tough, do reach out or pull back?

216 – When times are tough, do reach out or pull back? #faithbites #faithjourney reach A million things to do, and not enough time to do it. We run around trying to accomplish all of […] Read More

August 4 – Gut Reactions or Thoughtful Response

216 – Gut Reaction Vs. Thoughtful Response #faithbites #faithjourney reactions When we look back at our lives, most of us can say we have made gut reactions versus thoughtful responses. Thise times when we were […] Read More