Month: August 2018

August 24 – Trash Compactor: The Walls Are Closing In

236 – Trash Compactor: The Walls Are Closing In #faithbites #faithjourney walls One of the most famous scenes in Star Wars, is Luke, Han, and Chewey trying to rescue Leia from the Death Star. During the […] Read More

August 23 – Is it Still Nap Time Daddy? Trust

235 –  Is it Still Nap Time Daddy? Trust #faithbites #faithjourney Trust It’s 5:30 in the morning. I am in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower. My youngest comes in her jammies, holding […] Read More

August 22 – Can You Be The Man in the High Castle?

234 – Can You Be The Man in the High Castle? #faithbites #faithjourney Castle Today’s #faithbite isn’t the one I was originally going to write, but sometimes I just feel the spirit and tweak it a […] Read More

August 22 – We Are All Sinful

232 – We Are All Sinful #faithbites #faithjourney sinful In yesterday’s #faithbites, we talked about loving one another no matter what. In the image I used, it talked about worshiping other Gods and about being […] Read More

August 20 – Love One Another. That means Everyone

232 – Love One Another. That means Everyone. #faithbites #faithjourney everyone. Sometimes #faithbites are deep. Other times they are funny. Still other times emotional. This one is short, simple, and sweet. Love One Another. We’ve […] Read More

August 19 – One Blank to Bind Them All

231 – One Blank to Bind Them All #faithbites #faithjourney One If you have ever watched or read The Lord of the Rings, you are familiar with the saying / theme: One Ring to Rule […] Read More

August 18 – JESUS…He Loves You Very Much

230 – JESUS… He Loves You Very Much #faithbites #faithjourney Jesus I am one who gets spooked easily. If someone comes up behind me, I jump. When I’m concentrating on something and someone talks to me, […] Read More