Day: January 23, 2018

January 22 – Self-Care and Community

Today’s lesson is on self-care and community. As we’ve talked life is hard. Or in modern parlance #AdultingSucks and #ParentingSucks. We have many responsibilities: To our family. To our jobs. To our houses. To our bills. To our […] Read More

January 21 – Storms in Our Lives

Today’s Bible verse is about the storms in life we go through. Thank you, Pastor Wirsing for a message that I needed. We all go through storms. We think we can do it on our own. We […] Read More

January 19 – Saying Goodbye

Todays Bible Lesson is about saying goodbye. Today we lay my grandma Nancy to rest. She lived a long life, almost 92 years. She was a warm spirit of God. She loved everyone, cared for everyone, and […] Read More

January 18 – Warmth and Compassion

Todays Bible Lesson is one on warmth and compassion. I understand God made us all different with different strengths and abilities. I know what we all respond to events differently, some warmer and some cooler. […] Read More

January 17 – Remembering and Memories

Todays Bible Lesson is one on remembering and memories. Since I heard of Grandma’s passing, after the initial period of regret, I began to remember all the times we had. Her constantly telling me she […] Read More

January 16 – Loss

Todays Bible Lesson is one on loss. Death sucks. On one hand, it is a homecoming. You get to be one with the Lord. His promises of redemption and everlasting life are fulfilled. At the […] Read More

January 15 – Regret

Todays Bible Lesson is one of regret. Regret sucks. We go through life and make choices. Choices to serve. Choices for self. Choices for others. We can’t do everything or be everything to everybody and […] Read More